Caught In Emotional Turbulence?

Emotions can come in varying types and ways, and they have a way of shaking us up turbulently especially at times of distress. Many people have experienced intensely mixed feelings or  Emotional turbulence during the past few months of Covid. They feel like a rollercoaster ride through agitation, anxiety, hopelessness, feeling overwhelmed or sad. These are issues that can be created due to the intensity of different emotions. While some face issues because they find their emotions extremely strong and find it difficult to detach, others face issues as they are unable to feel any strong or solid emotions and find themselves excessively detached. Intensities of emotions and how they are processed differently from person to person. While some people find the regulation of emotions simple, others find it difficult and often get carried away by their emotions. Emotional turbulence can occur when an individual gets easily carried away with their emotions. One such case was Raj. 

While Raj was a well behaved, and cordial person, he had trouble regulating his anger and was rather impatient. He found himself getting angry at the smallest of issues and allowed his anger to take over. When Raj was angry, he allowed his emotion to overpower his rational mind and as a result, he hurt people around him, causing them to avoid or even leave Raj. Due to this, Raj soon found himself alone and without any friends to support him, even his colleagues tried to avoid working with him. When Raj approached me for coaching, he thought he had to deal with his communication skills. However, as we progressed Raj realized that the issue was with his inability to control his emotions and losing grip on rationality. He started working on himself; after a few of our sessions, Raj realized that he relied heavily on having perfection in everything, and required everything to go his way, even when sometimes others might have had better inputs. He also got the awareness that having been raised in a very strict household, he had never learned to accept or express his emotions in a healthy manner. After realizing this, Raj started regulating his anger better and made sure that he would not react to anything, rather respond. He also started using anger management exercises to help him gain better control over his emotions. 

Unaddressed emotional turbulence can lead to:

1. Anxiety disorders

2. Eating disorders 

3. Shock, denial, or disbelief

4. Confusion, difficulty concentrating

5. Anger, irritability, mood swings

6. Guilt, shame, self-blame

7. Withdrawing from others

8. Feeling sad or hopeless

9. Feeling disconnected or numb

While these issues can be present, it is important to remember that each issue can be dealt with. The main points to keep in mind when identifying emotional turbulence are:

1. Be aware of the emotion that can cause you to lose control of yourself

2. Keep a note of your emotions and which one blows out of proportion

3. Acknowledge the emotion, sense it in your body, accept it without judging it

4. Focus on facts so you are not carried away by assumptions and fears

5. Use breathing techniques to regain control over your mind

Do you have any unaddressed emotions? Do you want to control your emotions rather than be controlled by them? Coaching can help gain control and strengthen your ability to deal with adversities. If you wish to explore coaching, you can reach me at and begin your journey to success.

Khyati Shah is a Transformation Coach and seasoned professional dedicated to helping people overcome limiting beliefs and balance the demands of life and career more effectively.

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