
Duration : Half day [4 Hours]

The communication skills program will give you a clear insight into communication. It is an opportunity to understand how communication works and how to communicate with confidence and flair. You will look at what works about the way you communicate, what gets in the way of you being a more effective communicator and the tools and techniques to help you be more adept and self-assured. This module is filled with exercises, games and discussion which will give you skills to handle difficult or tricky situations and give you more choice in the way you communicate with others.

Duration : Half day [4 Hours] Time is the most valuable resource that each Individual has hence it has to be spent wisely because no matter what, you cannot go back and live in your past or you cannot buy more time. This module is designed in a way where you are equipped with scientifically researched and proven tools which you can be used in order to set your goals, evaluate yourself in the way you spend your time, achieve more in less time, organise and delegate. Motivate yourself to do more, plan ahead, accelerate your achievements by prioritizing your activities and keep track of time in your day to day busy schedule.

Duration : Half day [4 Hours]

This is a curated program on creative thinking and practical application of the same to routine problems. The program is based on the internationally acclaimed ‘6 Thinking Hats’ by Edward De Bono and is modified to suit local understanding and relevance in one’s professional / personal life.

Duration : Half day [4 Hours]

This is a program based on two core concepts; first to realise that as individuals our preconceived notions, mind-sets or self- limiting beliefs make each one of us perceive problems differently. Secondly, it stresses on the fact that once we are able to define a problem with greater accuracy, the possibility of finding different solutions emerges.
Duration : Half day [4 Hours]

This is a curated program on creative thinking and practical application of the same to routine problems. The program is based on the internationally acclaimed ‘6 Thinking Hats’ by Edward De Bono and is modified to suit local understanding and relevance in one’s professional / personal life.

Duration : Half day [4 Hours]

It is a tailor made program on building awareness around behaviours and communication. It incorporates the elements of a very powerful psychoanalytic concept called ‘Transactional Analysis’ and is aimed at helping us in bettering ourselves in our daily dealings and negotiations.
Duration : Half day [4 Hours]

This is a curated program on creative thinking and practical application of the same to routine problems. The program is based on the internationally acclaimed ‘6 Thinking Hats’ by Edward De Bono and is modified to suit local understanding and relevance in one’s professional / personal life.

Duration : Half day [4 Hours]

To Initiate the Development of a Positive Attitude towards Change and a collaborative environment to achieve a common Goal.
Duration : Half day [4 Hours]

This is a curated program on creative thinking and practical application of the same to routine problems. The program is based on the internationally acclaimed ‘6 Thinking Hats’ by Edward De Bono and is modified to suit local understanding and relevance in one’s professional / personal life.

Duration : Full day [8 Hours]

In this module learn all about the art of Negotiation. No two negotiations are the same. The parties, the issues and the stakes involved vary, and each deal must be approached uniquely. This Program will equip you with strategies and tactics used world wide and how to counteract each of these when you come across them with the help of role-plays and interesting case studies.
Duration : Half day [4 Hours]

This is a curated program on creative thinking and practical application of the same to routine problems. The program is based on the internationally acclaimed ‘6 Thinking Hats’ by Edward De Bono and is modified to suit local understanding and relevance in one’s professional / personal life.

Emotional intelligence is the “something” in each of us that is a bit intangible. It affects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities, and make personal decisions to achieve positive results. This Module takes the participants on a journey of self-discovery of understanding their Emotional Quotient and how it impacts all aspects of their personal and professional relationships.


  • Selection
  • Migration
  • Transition
  • Development
  • Performance
  • Leadership
  • Conflict management
  • Perception management
  • Stress management
  • Progression
  • Work Life Balance
  • Retirement
  • Collaboration
  • Relationship
  • Pre-Marriage
  • Insecurity
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Children
  • Crisis
  • Legacy
  • New venture
  • Stress management
  • Time management
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Goal planning
  • Organising
  • Expansion
  • Performance enhancement
  • Personality Development
  • Behavior
  • Dating
  • Social Inclusion
  • Free Lancing
  • JV, Integration
  • Team Inclusion
  • Cultural Transformation
  • Retention
  • Brand
  • Succession planning
  • Performance enhancement
  • Fitness
  • Diet
  • Lifestyle impact
  • Change Habits
  • Social Media impact
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