
Discomfort Zone: A Journey from Comfort to Growth

Discomfort Zone: A Journey from Comfort to Growth

When Maria was offered a promotion involving a move to another department, instead of excitement, she felt a wave of apprehension. The idea of leaving her comfort zone and the expertise she had meticulously built over the years filled her with doubt. She feared that transitioning to a new department would strip her of her established credibility and status as an expert.
Read about her journey of stepping out of her comfort zone to embrace growth.

Discomfort Zone: A Journey from Comfort to Growth Read More »

Women Entrepreneur, womaninbusiness, bosslady

Yes, You Can!

To be an entrepreneur one must be creative, communicative, and highly motivated to succeed, yet open to risk and failure. For women entrepreneurs, there are additional challenges of managing multiple roles.

Yes, You Can! Read More »

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